Enneagram memes are fun and all, but did you know the Enneagram can help you achieve your goals? Knowing your number is not just a way to learn more about yourself. It’s a tool for deep transformation that can improve every aspect of your life. From the quality of your relationships to your marriage to […]
Doesn’t it sound wonderful to serve and live from your strengths instead of worrying about your weaknesses? I thought so too. Which is one of the many reasons I was drawn to the Enneagram. Uncovering all the layers of your Enneagram number can equip you with a list of superpowers that make you uniquely YOU. […]
As we head into the holidays, I’m guessing we could all use a bit of encouragement. While this time of year can be happy and exciting (and a good dose of festivity is appreciated perhaps this year more than any other, amiright?), with holiday cups at Starbucks and Christmas music on the radio also sometimes […]