Whether that's in building better relation-
ships, trying to figure out your life's purpose, getting organized to actually
reach your dream goals, or opening and growing your business... I can help you. Together, we will envision a plan using the tools of the enneagram, wisdom, personal growth and experience to achieve a clear and consistent path towards success.  

What you feel, how you think, and why you do what you do all make up parts of your personality. We've known this forever. But, did you know you can discover SO much more about the layers of WHO you are? I help women of all ages find their strengths and conquer weaknesses so they can over-come being stuck, and become more aware on how to get the life they really want.  

What you feel, how you think, and why you do what you do all make up parts of your personality. We've known this forever. But, did you know you can discover SO much more about the layers of WHO you are? I help women of all ages find their strengths and conquer weaknesses so they can over-come being stuck, and become more aware on how to get the life they really want.Whether that's in building better relationships, trying to figure out your life's purpose, getting organized to actually reach your dream goals, or opening and growing your business... I can help you. Together, we will envision a plan using the tools of the enneagram, wisdom, personal growth and experience to achieve a clear and consistent path towards success.    

let's talk all things enneagram! 

learning the enneagram is like having a map of yourself & your loved ones

Welcome Friend!

Ones desire to be accurate and have integrity. They are responsible and like to improve the world around them. Their perfection can sometimes get the best of them. Please remember that not all Ones are these exact adjectives or use their motivations or fears in the same way. I will listen to your unique story and help peel back the layers that function well and not so well in your life.

a rational idealist,
principled & purposeful

1 - The Reformer

Twos enjoy serving others, are empathetic and see the world through relationships. They are caring and generous, even to strangers. Their desire to be appreciated can lead to people-pleasing and a struggle with pride. Please remember not all Twos are these exact adjectives or use their motivations or fears in the same way.
I will listen to your unique story and help peel back the layers that function well and not so well in your life.

a supportive advisor,
caring and generous

2 - The helper

Threes are ambitious and have a strong drive for success.  They want to feel valuable and worthy and seek validation by excelling. They are motivational to others around them, but can be competitive & image conscious. Please remember not all Threes are these exact adjectives or use their motivations/fears in the same way. I'll listen to your story and help peel back the layers that function well and not so well in your life.

driven & accomplished

3 - The achiever

Fours can be artistic and sensitive by nature. They have a strong need to be authentic and fear having no personal significance. Fours can be withdrawn and centered on themselves. Please remember not all Fours are these exact adjectives or use their motivations or fears in the same way. I will listen to your unique story and help peel back the layers that function well and not so well in your life.

the romantic creative,
sensitive & expressive

4 - The individualist

Fives thrive by being independent and curious. They love to pursue knowledge and feel competent. Fives can struggle with staying in or seeking isolation and tend to prefer privacy. Please remember not all Fives are these exact adjectives or use their motivations or fears in the same way. I will listen to your story and help peel back the layers that function well and not so well in your life.

the intellectual thinker,
observant & innovative

5 - The investigator

Sixes have a strong desire to feel secure and supported. They are hard workers and committed to those they are in relationships with. Because of their need for stability, they can suffer from anxiety and overthinking. Please remember not all Sixes are these exact adjectives or use their motivations or fears in the same way. I will listen to your unique story and help peel back the layers that function well and not so well in your life.

the committed guardian,
responsible & effective

6 - The loyalist

Sevens are fun-loving, entertaining and down for new experiences. Meeting new people is exciting to them. Because they desire to be satisfied and stimulated, they will avoid processing pain & can be unfocused. Please remember that not all Sevens are these exact adjectives or use their motivations or fears in the same way. I will listen to your unique story and help peel back the layers that function well and not so well in your life.

the entertaining optimist, busy & versatile

7 - The enthusiast

Eights are good at making tough decisions quickly. Their desire to be in control in their lives and defend others from injustice can make them seem dominating. Eights are comfortable with confrontation. Please remember that not all Eights are these exact adjectives or use their motivations or fears in the same way. I will listen to your unique story and help peel back the layers that function well and not so well in your life.

the powerful decider,
self-confident & protective

8 - The challenger

Nines are reassuring and have a strong desire for inner stability and peace of mind. They are receptive to all opinions and don't usually share their own. Nines like to avoid conflict, sometimes at all costs. Please remember that not all Nines are these exact adjectives or use their motivations or fears in the same way. I will listen to your unique story and help peel back the layers that function well and not so well in your life.

the easygoing mediator,
agreeable & patient

9 - The peacemaker










which number are you?

The Nine types


I'm not here to fix you. I'm here to free you. You are not broken.
I want to help elevate you. I want to free you from being your own worst enemy.
Those times you react in anger, withdraw, or need other people's approval, I can help you understand why. You are here for a reason. You are feeling stuck and want to change that. You need someone on your team. That person is me. Let's do this. 

As a coach, I value honesty and vulnerability. My sessions are a place of trust, compassion and perseverance. When you share your story with me, I will use every tool I have to help you get where you want to be.

My Philosophy

Alicia Larkey, Enneagram Life Coach | Site design by Jessica Gingrich