As we head into the holidays, I’m guessing we could all use a bit of encouragement. While this time of year can be happy and exciting (and a good dose of festivity is appreciated perhaps this year more than any other, amiright?), with holiday cups at Starbucks and Christmas music on the radio also sometimes comes feelings of overwhelm and anxiety (and that’s normal).
So, if you’re feeling exhausted before even looking at your holiday to-do list, or if you want to distract yourself from the logistics of planning Christmas dinner in the midst of a pandemic, I hope you smile reading how you feel about holiday decorating… according to your Enneagram Number!

Enneagram Type One
Christmas decorating happens as efficiently as possible – with labeled and organized bins. You know exactly where each ornament will go, in what order each ornament should be put on the tree, and decided well in advance which ornaments get top billing (ahem, the coveted spots in the front of the tree).
Enneagram Type Two
While boxes and bins are being pulled from the attic or grabbed from the garage, you’re whipping up the most delicious homemade hot cocoa. And because you want to make sure your whole family feels warm and joyful while decorating the tree with meaningful ornaments, you’ve also got a batch of Holiday cookies just about ready in the oven. Yum!
Enneagram Type Three
You’ve got your Christmas strategy down pat. You’re the one house on the block where every light bulb on the strand works perfectly, the holiday shopping is already halfway done (if not more!) and the Christmas cards are addressed, stamped, and maybe even mailed.

Enneagram Type Four
With holiday lights draped around your plant stands and your purple Barbie Christmas tree from childhood displayed proudly in your living room, the holiday decorating is done for now and you’re focused on Christmas activity #2: Watching Hallmark Holiday movies while curled up in your most favorite, cozy blanket. Does it get any better than that?
Enneagram Type Five
Your house looks like a Christmas card. Perhaps because you’ve chosen a simple, yet modern approach to decorating this year… with everything arranged almost exactly like that one board you found on Pinterest last week. (It looks stunning, btw.)
Enneagram Type Six
The ladder is safely placed under the tree, ready for the tree topping ceremony to begin. You’re focused on making sure no one breaks any ornaments (they’re fragile and priceless memories, after all!) and, especially this year, you’re making sure everyone’s following traditions. That sense of normalcy is appreciated (even if no one has told you that yet).
Enneagram Type Seven
Your tree will be set up on Christmas Eve while enjoying holiday music and spiked egg nog. In the meantime, you’re just excited to head over to a friend’s house (or hop on Zoom if you have to… nothing will keep you from celebrating this year… not even a pandemic!).
Enneagram Type Eight
Who needs a Christmas tree farm when you can chop down your own tree in the forest? Now that you’ve got the perfect tree, you’re helping hang all the high stuff at the top and making sure everyone else is doing their job right, too.
Enneagram Type Nine
Trying to keep the sometimes stressful holiday decorating experience peaceful, you’re making sure everyone else’s favorite ornaments get hung as close to where they want them to be as possible. We all thank you!

So, what do you think? Which is your “holiday number” and how is the Enneagram showing up in your household this holiday season?
And if you want to kick off this new year better understanding your number and how it shows up in your day-to-day life (so that you can feel more confident in everything you do), learn more about Enneagram Coaching and book a free discovery call with me here.
Eeeeeee! I love Christmas! I am smiling and laughing reading these. I feel like all of my wings show up when I try to master the entire essence of Christmas for myself and everyone else 🙂